Lights and colors will flash and dance around your body as you comfortably float in your pool! PoolCandy Glitterfied® Sun Chairs include handles to make it easy to get in the pool. But careful...with a Pool drink in the built-in holder at your side, you may never want to get out!
Product Information:
- 6mm Gold glitter
- Holds up to 250 lbs
- Full backrest
- Built-in drink holder
Lights and colors will flash and dance around your body as you comfortably float in your pool! PoolCandy Glitterfied® Sun Chairs include handles to make it easy to get in the pool. But careful...with a Pool drink in the built-in holder at your side, you may never want to get out!
Product Information:
- 6mm Gold glitter
- Holds up to 250 lbs
- Full backrest
- Built-in drink holder
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